Through this work, Tibor Babos makes an important contribution to the study of European security. Over the course of six years of academic research and interaction with key leaders at multiple levels, Babos has assessed the historical roots of the players, provided a context for the debate, and framed the key issues for enhancing the topic. Throughout the nearly 200 pages, the author seeks to challenge readers, so that they do more than merely consider this important topic, but engage in the debate. This can be shown visually on the cover page; the title is ‘Five Pillars,’ but the picture shows a façade with six central pillars. Readers are thus invited to add their own pillar, and become active participants in future security studies.
As editor, my task was merely to streamline the words and phrases into more free-flowing English. Through this process, it was truly an honour for me to provide a small measure of assistance to Babos, the NATO Public Diplomacy Office, the NATO School, as well as the Hungarian Strategic and Defense Research Center. Clearly though, all credit goes to the author. The reasoning, logic, facts, and opinions are the product of many years of serious study. And the many interesting ideas and novel concepts are a product of the dedicated efforts and hard work of Tibor Babos.
This is a book of extraordinary magnitude; the breadth and depth of the presentation touch upon a multitude of academic disciplines. The overall value is that it constructs a frame of reference for the continued study of the vital and timely topic of European security.
Colonel Kurt W. Schake (Ph.D.)
Dean of Academics
NATO School